© 1995 Adaptec Software Products Group
Used by permission

[Publisher's note: This press release is published here for historical background. Since it was released, Incat Systems was acquired by Adaptec Corporation, so all references to Incat Systems are obsolete.]

Editor's Contact: Whitney G. Lynn, Incat Systems Software USA, Inc.
Telephone: 408.379.2400

Incat Systems Announces New Packet Writing Method for CD-R
New FlexCD(tm) File System also Maintains ISO 9660 Compatibility

Campbell, California - February 6, 1995 - Incat Systems Software USA, Inc. today announced a new method of writing information onto a CD-ROM using variable-length packet writing, optionally maintaining ISO 9660 compatibility for the large installed base of CD-ROM drives.

Incat Systems believes that this new method, called FlexCD(tm), will provide a true data storage solution suitable for the CD-R marketplace.

Current Limitations

CD-R was originally conceived as a publishing medium for which the ISO 9660 format described the fixed locations of the data and file system. This method of writing suffered other limitations as well, but was nonetheless acceptable for publishing large quantities of pre- packaged data. However, as CD-R has become more accessible, the masses now want to use CD-R as a true data storage medium, similar to a floppy disk or hard drive. Although CD-R is rapidly gaining acceptance in the mass market, many of us know that the current writing method and file system really do not lend themselves to data storage use, due to the following problems:

Track-at-Once writing requires a large set of data to be written at a time.
Buffer underruns are frequent.
When data is appended incrementally to a CD-ROM, the entire ISO 9660 file system describing the entire disc must be written again, creating a large overhead in terms of both space and time.

Incat Systems' FlexCD(tm) includes:

Variable-length packet writing.
A new "flexible" CD-R file system.
Ability to push a button and create an ISO 9660-compatible disc.
Buffer underruns eliminated.
True incremental writing.
Network-ready applications.
Low overhead for writing.

To accommodate the FlexCD(tm) file system, three simple additional SCSI commands are required to be supplied by the CD-R drive manufacturers. At this time, all the current CD-R drive manufacturers have been informed of the need for these commands to support FlexCD(tm). Currently, as expected, a number of these CD-R drive manufacturers have already agreed to provide these commands to accommodate FlexCD(tm).

The three firmware commands needed by the CD-R drive manufacturers are not covered by the patent and is immediately available for anyone with no fee or restrictions.

Incat Systems believes that this new FlexCD(tm) method will significantly increase the demand for CD-R drives, media and software.

Incat Systems has applied for a patent covering all aspects of the FlexCD(tm) method. Incat does however plan to make available under license this new method to interested parties.

Incat Systems plans to offer its first CD-R software application using FlexCD(tm) as Easy-CD BackUp Plus. Beta release is planned for April 1995. Incat Systems has tested this FlexCD(tm) File System and is 100% satisfied that this method is workable.

Incat Systems is an industry leader in providing CD-ROM, CD-R mastering, and Photo CD(tm) software solutions in data and multimedia applications. Incat Systems has focused on developing innovative technology for the international CD-ROM arena since 1986.

Easy-CD Pro, Easy-CD Pro MM are registered trademarks of Adaptec Software Products Group Registered trademarks and product names are property of their respective owners.

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